Monday, September 21, 2009

Kitchen Table

Why Kitchen Table? If your family was anything like my family, the kitchen table was our unofficial conference center. It was the place where all family business (good, bad, or otherwise) began and ended. The kitchen table was to us back then exactly what the internet has become to the world today- the place where information just flows.

Therefore, as I preach through this current sermon series "One Family Under God", it is imperative that we have an informal place just to let information flow so that our families can grow. So pull up a chair, heat up the chilled coffee on the stove, grab a plate of leftovers from the fridge, and a piece of Ms Frankie's extremely sugared pecan pie off the counter, say your prayers- and let's do what we do - TALK! (but don't talk with your mouth full)

One Family Under God.. the Series
Part 1 - It's Not Just A Piece of Paper -(Genesis 2:18-25)
Part 2 - Wait Before You Walk - (Matthew 19:3-12)
With Mid-Week Customized Classes for the Youth, Singles, and Couples....

How are you doing so far?



Anonymous said...

Pastor, I remember being so irritated with my mother as a teenager, giving me a hard time about being on the telephone so often AND so long. Now at this stage in life, 40+ I have found myself reliving the often and long phone call stage all over again! TALKING is what me and my fiance' have done A LOT of. But, that has been our window into each other's soul, our likes, dislikes, positions on issues, our walk with God, and on and on...we've gained Into-Me-See (intimacy)as a result. The rest is history as they say...we discovered we did not want to live life from this point forward without each other. So Glenn Lewis will marry Dorothy Johnson, December 5, 2009. Lesson learned: "Talking is the only way, rap on" (some of you may remember that Isaac Hayes phrase) Blessings all - Glenn Lewis

Lyz said...

Pastor Hamilton,
Last night class with the couples was both exciting and informative. Regarding the question asked about the two believer and one leaves the marriage, what was the staying believers responsibility toward the marriage. I think it was important for you to mention that it weighs on the reasons for the leaving. We have to know the whole story before commenting in on such a question as this one and we did not have the whole.

Anonymous said...

I love my wife. But I have been tempted to have sex outside my marriage. It seems like when I got married, other women found me more attractive. I have been holding on and have been being faithful, but I am having a difficult time. Does the fact that I think about it make me an adulterer? If not, how can I guard against actually following through with it?

Anonymous said...

What do you suggest someone do if they are so hurt from a previous bad relationship that their ability to trust is tarnished for every future relationship?