Monday, October 26, 2009

Let's Get It On

Yesterday's sermon message from 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 truly created quite an after service stir. Many members displayed an array of emotions ranging from shock to sincere appreciation that somebody said what is often not said.

I know that the 7-day sex challenge added fuel to many domestic fires, but it is purely by the agreement of both spouses. If you have opted to stop depriving each other as 1 Corinthians 7:5 says, there are a 3 key things that you need to remember.

1. Sex is more than a physical act. It involves the whole person, so it is imperative that you connect with the whole person before, during, and after being intimate.
2. The sermon passage taught that love is best expressed by ministering to your mate. Therefore, do not be selfish or self-centered. Seek to serve, not be served.
3. There may be unresolved relational issues that are causing distance and disconnect in the marriage bed, so graciously take the time to talk, listen, pray, and if necessary confess whatever sins may exist. If necessary, agree to get help. Do not give the devil a door.

I know that this is just scratching the surface, so we'll deal with it in more depth on Wednesday night at our Weekly Word Wednesday class- 7pm

Tell me what you feel....

Pastor B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You still posting on this site? Great idea of a way to communicate with your congregation.