Monday, March 5, 2012

Part IV – House Calls--“It’s Hard to Let it Go”

recap: Genesis 4:1-16 Part II "Cain has Got to Go!" Dealt with anger and revenge
Genesis 21: 9-19 Part III "Lord, make our Blend Better" Dealing with the hurts in a marriage  
Luke 23:33-34 Part IV "It's Hard to Let it Go" Deals with forgiveness

Jesus suffered a death no one could comprehend. He was beaten beyond recognition, yet is the mist of His fleshly pain and suffering. He was saying, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what that are doing."(Luke 23:34) If Jesus can forgive those who set out to destroy Him, why can't we do the same? It is very hard for us to let go and to forgive. However, God will give you a way out of your situations, FORGIVENESS! If we are to progress as a family, we have to learn to let it go. (Whatever your "it" is)

Your emotion can’t have the last word. You must learn that you can’t be controlled by your emotion.  God’s word must have the last word.  Forgiveness doesn’t necessary mean forgetting, there may never be reconciliation with the person whom you have forgiven.  Only God can take a relationship that seems impossible to repair and mend the broken hearts.  When people hurt you what do you do?

You can’t forgive on your own. It takes the power of the Holy Ghost.  Joseph forgave his brothers, what his brothers meant for evil, God meant it for good.  Genesis 50: 15-21
As we continue to allow God to make "House calls" for Divine healing, remember that we are healed by His stripes. 1 Peter 2:24

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