Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You Can’t Mess Up My Joy!

Luke 10:17-20

It has been said that happiness is based on the good that is happening. If that is true, then what happens when things go bad instead of good?  Unfortunately, for so many of us, when things go bad and stay bad in our lives we have no other option than to live in the land of bitterness and brokenness. 

But praise be unto the Lord, who has given us another option- Joy!  Joy does not isolate us from the world’s woes or sorrows, but it sure does insulate us from becoming negative and nasty.  The spirit of joy works when things are all right or all wrong, because joy is produced by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and points us back to the power and promises of Jesus Christ.

So who’s messing up your joy?  I encourage you to bow in prayer today before the Lord and take authority through Him over whatever or whoever has hijacked your joy.  For then and only then can you experience what Paul, the incarcerated missionary, experienced in Philippians 4:4 when he said, “rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice.)

Go get your joy back!!!!!!!!!

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