Thursday, July 5, 2012


Are you fishing? Pastor Hamilton just completed a dynamic sermon series "LET'S GO FISHING" "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men"(Mark 1:17)
Which sermon topic can you relate too? Or which topic has been most helpful as you go fishing?
·         Part 1: Answer Your Call  (Mark 1:16-20) 
·         Part 2: Are You Touching Anybody (John 6: 14-15)
·         Part 3: Somebody Needs You to Stop (Luke 10:25-37)
·         Part 4: Start Running with the Wrong Crowd (Luke 5:27-32)
·         Part 5: Don’t forget Who You Are (1Peter 2:9-10)
·         Part 6: We are Not Alone (John 16:7-15)
Pastor Hamilton has fully equipped us in the month of June through “Evangelism Training”, we are better prepared to share the uncompromising gospel of Jesus Christ. Are you ready to go fishing? Do you need more training? Here are the following sessions Pastor Hamilton went over: 
Session One: Sharing Your Story – We know all about ourselves and can share our story; how your life was before Christ; how your life was after coming to know Jesus personally; and since you have committed to following Christ. After these steps, you are now ready to offer an invitation to those who can relate to you/your story or who chooses to have a closer walk with Christ.
Session Two: One Verse Evangelism – Pastor took Roman 6:23 and showed us a visual illustration that we can see clearly where we stand and how we can become connected with God. One side of the illustration: Me, listed under was Wages, Sin, Death. In the middle was the word BUT. On the other side: God, listed under was Gift, God, Eternal Life. In comparing ME to GOD the only thing that bridged us to God is Jesus Christ
Session Three and Four: 4X Four Challenge- What is the 4Xfourchallenge? Pick 4 people in your area, neighborhood, job, or place of leisure. Once we pick our 4 people, we are to use the four challenges:
1.      Identify –with the person
2.      Intercede –pray for the person
3.      Invest –time and money in the person
4.      Invite –them to special events at church, Sunday Worship Svc, most important salvation (Jesus Christ)
The ONLY way to get one of the four people off our list is, if they become saved, if they move out of our demographic area, or lastly if the person dies.
We really want to hear from you!!  We want to know how this sermon series has blessed you and how you have been able to be a blessing to others. Keep on Fishing!!!

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