Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blind Sided--Handling Life's Surprising Hits

Part 1: "Move out of Moab"
Part 2: "Has the enemy attacked your house?"
As we delve into this sermon series, Blind Sided, we have to think about how we have dealt with situations in the past and how we plan to handle situations in the future once this series is complete.

How do you deal with being Blind Sided? Blind Sided is that thing you didn’t expect to happen. The unexpected thing in your life could cause you a great pain, hurt or confusion just when you thought things were going so well. The job you thought you would receive went to someone more qualified and with a higher education. You visit your parent to discover they have Alzheimer's and they have no clue of who you are.

Part 1 "Move out of Moab"
Ruth chapter 1
Naomi was Blind Sided when her husband and sons died. She had lost her source of income. What do you do when you get hit? We have to choose not to suffer in isolation.  We need to share our sorrows with whom God has sent to us. Naomi's daughter-in-law Ruth accompanied her back to Bethlehem. (Ruth 1: 6)
Perhaps God sent Ruth to comfort Naomi during such a trying time. The comfort wasn’t just for Naomi. It was for Ruth as well as because she lost her husband, Naomi’s son. God could speak and work through the person He has sent to help us. Do we really depend on God to work things out for us?

Part 2: "Has the enemy attacked your house?" 
1 Samuel 30: 1-6
David was not living in fellowship with God.  David allowed the enemy to come in and take everything he had.  Like David, could it be that we allow busyness and self directed decisions to break the foundations of our home, therefore, leaving room for the enemy to come in? Even, when all seems lost and your friends have become your enemy, we have a God who is full of mercy and we can return to Him in our darkest moments. We can encourage ourselves in the God of our salvation. The moment we return to the Lord, He will give us a Word for a great comeback.

We now have scriptures to rely on as we go through our situations. The question is will we rely on our own strength to get through them or will we depend on God? Even when it feels like we have lost everything. We have everything in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!!!! 


Anonymous said...

I've been Blindsided. This past week has proven to be a hit on my relationships. Weather it's a purging process or test of faith for me alone, for others in my life or for us all, I'm committed to getting the beam out of my own eye first, that I might see clearly to help my brother [or sister(-s)] with the spec in his [her (-their)] eye(s). As a father, a friend or a future spouse, I'm believing our God and trusting Him for the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Praise God for your comment!!! Many of us will not seek after believing or trusting God for the outcome. The scripture tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5&6 NASB)
You continue believing and trusting in God for the outcome. To God be the Glory!!!!