Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We Don't Talk Anymore

Our Couple's Class dealt with the juicy topic of Communication tonight. In fact, it was so juicy that we did not finish the session, there's more meat on the communication bone. To be continued next week...
However, on may way home I kept being reminded of the quote by Tim Lane who said, "there has never been a good relationship without good communication. And there has never been a bad relationship that didn't get that way in part because of something that was said."  WOW!!!

But yet I see the glass half-filled instead of half empty. Which means that if our words can sabbotage our relationships, then they must also be able to strengthen our relationships too. Proverbs 18:21 is right- it's up to us.

So you don't talk anymore? Why not? Since when? What will you do about it? When will you begin doing it?
We made a move toward relational maturity tonight...some faster than others....some stronger than others, but a move was made...are you ready to make a move?

Let's Talk!

Pastor B.

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