Monday, June 13, 2011

I’m Sold Out – Part 2

Don’t Be A Drop-Out (John 6:66-71)

     This series has focused on the process of us moving from a casual approach to a committed approach to Christianity. If Christianity is rooted in anything, it is certainly commitment. God made a commitment of love and grace unto us by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from sin and death.  Therefore, the burning question on the floor is not whether God is committed to us, but are we committed to Him?

     In John 6:66-71, Jesus vividly showed us that what appears to be commitment to Christ on the surface, is often really shallow and self-perpetuating below the surface. Who would have ever thought that so many disciples would have turned their backs on Jesus after He had filled their empty stomachs with fish and bread on the previous day.  However, Jesus always knew the difference between a fan and a true follower. 

     Obviously from the text, the crowd consisted of a bunch of fans, but Peter’s response proved that the twelve, really eleven, were true followers. Their reply to His inquiry about their intent, was we can’t drop-out- “You have words of eternal life”.   Amen Peter!!!
But what about you? Could you be characterized as a drop-out?  Have you turned your back on the Lord? Have you chosen to withdraw from walking with Him because He’s calling for a commitment from you today? 

     The crowd left and never came  back, but the remnant kept marching right on.  I encourage you today, to avoid being numbered with the crowd who cuts out when the word commitment shows up. Learn to rejoice with the remnant, and follow Jesus… no turning back… no turning back!

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