Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just Be Ready!

2 Peter 3:14-15

Do you ever think about the physical return of Jesus Christ? I agree with Dr. L. Gregory who stated, “the devil has done a tremendous job of duping the church into dismissing the doctrine of the return of Christ through getting us caught up in the chasing of stuff and status.”

Historians say that the early church was so consumed with the imminent return of Jesus Christ that believers often walked around just looking up into the sky hoping that each day would be the day. Although it has been over 2,000 years since Christ physically left planet earth, we have been encouraged through the Scriptures to stay dressed in readiness and keep daily looking for Christ’s return. Many mockers will say that we are pursuing pie in the sky, but their mockery is really nothing new because Peter dealt with unholy hecklers in 2 Peter 3:3-4. However, Peter’s words to the church then and the church now is the same- just be ready!

We do not know the day nor do we know the hour, but Scriptures such as John 14:1-2, Matthew 10:23, and James 5:8-9, all unequivocally proclaim that the same Jesus who departed in glory will return in glory. So the real question is not about the date of His return, but what are you doing to prepare for His return? Are you serving? Are you sharing the gospel? Are you striving to be more like Him each and every day?

Why not take the time today to ready Revelation 19-22, who knows? Perhaps you will conclude with a crescendo of praise just like the Apostle John who said in Revelation 22:20-“ Come, Lord Jesus.”

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