Monday, April 11, 2011

Has Your Brook Dried Up?

1 Kings 17:1-7

Dry brooks are not fun! Dry brooks can often be a depressing and discouraging place, because a dry brook represents an end to all that you had confidently relied on to meet your pressing needs. For some it is a job, for others it is their picture perfect health, and yet for others it is their resources or reputation. Regardless of what it is, one thing is for certain, they all can dry up. What are you doing about your dry brook right now? Has panic robbed you of your peace? Has anger arrested your faith in the Almighty?

If so, please re-read the passage again and see how our Sovereign God never stops taking care of His children. I may not have your dry brook and you may not have my dry brook but I am fully assured that our Great God can handle all of our dry brooks. Make room for a raven blessing in your life today. Don’t give up on God!

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