Monday, April 18, 2011

Palm Sunday Message "God Has Not Forgotten"

Luke 19:28-40

A King riding on a donkey! Doesn’t this sound ridiculous and even scandalous? But when you see it through the eyes of a merciful Sovereign Savior, it all makes sense.  Jesus did not ride in Jerusalem to make war, He rode in to make peace and to give peace between a Holy God and unholy man.  One day according to Revelation 19, He will return in His full royal regalia to bring about destruction upon the disobedient and disbelieving, but on that Spirit filled day back in Jerusalem He rode in to introduce a new exodus. Not an exodus from the reign of Pharoah, but an exodus from the reign of sin and death. What a mighty God we serve!  

Now the question is simply, how will you respond? Will you be like the Pharisees who were filled with jealousy and hatred? Will you be like the Romans who were disinterested in the whole affair? Will you be like the mob who marched into Jerusalem with Him, wanting what He could do but not really wanting who He was? Or will you be like the donkey?  Fully surrendered and submitting yourself to the Master’s use?  We all must decide and we all do decide daily.  So while you are trying to decide, just remember that Jesus’ march on Jerusalem was proof positive that “God Has Not Forgotten”.

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