Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Resurrection Sunday----Don't Leave Like You Came

Matthew 28:1-9
  How did you exit your Sunday worship experience?  Some left houses of worship all around the country and went back to their afternoon ballgames, their family feasts, and their afternoon naps; yet others left praising God because their burdens had been lifted!  

  On Resurrection Sunday over 2,000 years ago, two broken hearted sisters showed up one way but exited another way.  They came hurting and hopeless, but because of the resurrection of their Savior they left running and rejoicing. The resurrection of Jesus Christ completely changed them from the inside out.  What about you?

  It is so easy just to go through the celebratory protocol of Resurrection Sunday, and still return to the same paralysis of pain and problems after Sunday’s service. This is not to say that all of our problems are removed, but it is to say that we have been saved and sanctified to rise higher! (Romans 6:1-4)

  So on this day, remember that Resurrection Sunday is not about a possession (a hat, a suit,  an egg,  a dress) it’s about a Person- Jesus Christ who rose from the dead on the third day just like He said.  And because He did, we do not have to ever leave like we came in.  Can I get an AMEN?

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