Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mama, Keep the Faith!

Matthew 15:21-28

Dr. Elmer Towns once said that, “when we do not hear from heaven within a reasonable time frame, we begin to feel a sense of hopelessness that leaves us feeling unsure and void of confidence.” In other words, silence causes our faith to shutdown.

In the aforementioned passage, the desperate Canaanite mother did just the opposite. She came begging and pleading with Jesus to deliver her cruelly demon possessed daughter, but instead of getting a quick response, verse 23 says that she received no response from Jesus.  What would you have done? What are you doing now in your season of silence?

I am glad that the desperate mother did not become a departing mother. She stayed right there because her need was so great and her faith in Jesus’ mercy and mastery over demons, the devil, and the desperate was even greater.  Jesus tested this mother’s faith and this mother passed the test.  Perhaps you are not a mother, perhaps you are not a parent, but you are in place/predicament where your faith is being tested.  Are you passing the test?

Remember, faith is not simply about getting what you want. Faith is about accepting what God wills. Even if He does not do it, faith says, I know that He is still able!   Go ahead and praise Him right now…….

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