Tuesday, April 5, 2011

revised "GET READY TO RUMBLE" part 8

We Need to Pray!
Ephesians 6:18-20

Dr. Andrew Murray once stated that “prayer is the pulse life of the believer; by it the doctor can tell the true condition of our hearts.” If Dr. Murray is right, what would Dr. Jesus say about our hearts today?  

Apostle Paul certainly knew the power of prayer and the eventual spiritual plight of those who did not pray, so he encouraged the saints in Ephesians 6:18-20 to make prayer a perpetual priority.  Why? Because we have an adversary who seeks saints who decide to do what he did; live detached from the Father.

Our life of prayer is not only communication with God but it is also sweet communion with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. So beginning today, in obedience to the Word, pray frequently-pray fervently- and pray for other folks within the body of Christ.  Don’t worry about how your words flow, don’t worry about your subject/verb agreement, don’t worry about the length of your prayer, just pray!  The Scriptures are filled with long prayers, short prayers, celebratory prayers, and prayers in times of suffering- God allows us to pray them all and He hears them all.

So beginning today, clean the cobwebs out of your prayer closet and talk to your heavenly Father in faith. He longs to hear from you, and here’s the shouting part- He wants to talk back to you. Imagine that, Deity wants to dialogue with you.  Lay it all out and then look and listen as He works it out!!!!

Ain’t God alright????    

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